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Reception Definition of Reception by MerriamWebsterDid You Know Reception is the noun form of receive So at a formal reception guests are received or welcomed or taken in A bad TV reception means the signal isnt being received wellReception Define Reception at Between the ceremony and reception Kardashian wore three different Vera Wang gowns worth a total of 600000Reception Synonyms Reception Antonyms Mrs Morgan gave Robert a reception as warm as her husband had done He could assure them they felt highly flattered at the reception which had been accorded themReception definition of reception by The Free Dictionaryre·cep·tion rĭsĕp′shən n 1 a The act or process of receiving or of being received b Football The act or an instance of catching a forward pass 2 A welcome greeting or acceptance a friendly reception 3 A social function especially one intended to provide a welcome or greeting a wedding reception 4 Mental approval or acceptance RECEPTION meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionaryreception definition 1 a formal party at which important people are welcomed 2 the way in which people react to something or someone 3 the act of welcoming someone or something Learn moreReception WikipediaReception is a noun form of receiving or to receive something such as information art experience or people It is often used in the following contexts In telecommunications the action of an electronic receiver such as for radio or remote control a good signal allows for clear reception Television reception A formal party in the evening such as a wedding reception where the reception WiktionaryNoun reception countable and uncountable plural receptions The act of receiving uncountable electronics The act or ability to receive radio or similar have poor TV reception in the valley The new system provides exceptional quality of the reception signal A social engagement usually to formally welcome someoneReception Idioms by The Free DictionaryLike this video Subscribe to our free daily email and get a new idiom video every day cool reception An unenthusiastic disdainful or unfriendly welcome My wife met me with a rather cool reception when I came home at 3 AM See also cool reception warm welcome A welcome to someone or something that is particularly enthusiastic and positive The reception Definition of reception in English by Oxford Definition of reception the action or process of receiving something sent given or inflicted a formal social occasion held to welcome someone or to celReception Synonyms Reception Antonyms MerriamWebsterSeen and Heard What made you want to look up receptionPlease tell us where you read or heard it including the quote if possible
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